The homepage (or simply home) is just the first page of the site, after the entrance one, where you'll find the latest news about Marco, the list of the most recent discussions in the forum and much information about latest site updates.
Introducing PoesiaMasini
A brief introduction to the site, that explains what it is about, the motivations that led to its creation and the "goal" (let us call it in this way) it sets itself.
Site history
In this section I explain what PoesiaMasini - Il Sito più Banale's history is, from its birth to nowadays, regarding the most important episodes that made this site become what it is today.
What is missing
Here you'll be able to see at once what stuff this site needs, so you can learn how to help to make it grow up.
The names of people that made this site possible.
Some statistics about site visits.