PoesiaMasini - Il Sito più Banale

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But, beyond this miracle, I'm waiting for life as well as you, in this eternal show, that I do for love

Marco Masini


Marco Masini's biography.

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List of albums and records (also promos) by Marco Masini, with all the related stuff I could gather (publication codes, tracklist, lyrics, chords, CD cover images, information about their realization, sale statistics, etc.).

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Other records

Other records containing contributions by Marco Masini as a collaborator, as well as compilations and new editions besides the official discography. Again, there is much information on this.

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Videotapes and DVDs with videoclips and/or live performances by Marco.

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List of the books containing Marco's confessions and thoughts, where he talks about his own life and songs.

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Section dedicated to Marco Masini's photos. Some are amatorial ones, other, instead, are from official photo sets.

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Gadgets and merchandising

This section contains some gadget and merchandising stuff from old fan clubs, concerts sales, etc..

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Marco on the Internet

From this section you'll be able to quickly get to all the other Internet sites that talk about Marco Masini.

| Top | Biography | Discography | Other records | Videos | Books | Photos | Gadgets and merchandising | Marco on the Internet | Buy |


Some on-line shops that sell Marco's stuff, useful if you can't buy in the traditional shops.

| Top | Biography | Discography | Other records | Videos | Books | Photos | Gadgets and merchandising | Marco on the Internet | Buy |

About us | | PoesiaMasini copyright disclaimer | Contacts | © 2000-2005 Mauro Molinari
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